Monday, September 2, 2013

Speaking Part 2

Speaking- fan fiction for" Speak" by L.H. Anderson

*disclaimer*  "Speak" is owned my its respective author

Part 2 ( see part one on my blog)

"So how does that make you feel"

The court recommended I get therapy.  Andy Evens gets one year puerile, and a week future criminal prevention program.  I get to sit in a dimly lit room with "calm painting"  and tell someone how I feel.  The juvenile criminal justice system is a cruel joke.
     This is how therapy goes.  She comes out, we go in.  Her name is Kathy.
Kathy.  What would you like to talk about today
Kathy.   How was you week
Me.    Fine
Kathy.  Do want to talk about what happened?
Kathy.  You know Melinda, your not going to resolve anything if you refuse to engage in any conversation.
Kathy.  Do you want to play a bored game

We have spent three sessions playing checkers.  She lets me win a lot, it's to build my confidence.  I don't tell her I know.

Today at the end on session she gives me homework.  She wants me to draw "fear" she also tells me I cannot completely erase and start over any part of the drawing and I am to bring it with me next week.  She reassures me that she won't make fun of it if its as simple a stick figures and she doesn't care how good it is.

At home I think of starting the drawing.   I can't get an image in my head though. I could draw a fantastic tree, but I've done so many trees and I have the option to anything I desire this time.

My mom calls me down for dinner.  This will have to wait for another time.

Summer Art Program

Mr. Freeman's mural is a tree.  I like it.  It's much more convincing then mine and its creepy staring back at me because I'm betting somehow I inspired it on that last day of school, he ran to draw an outline like a little kid to the bathroom after I told him about IT.  I don't want to stare at it too long either, I'm afraid it might come to life on me, no matter how ludicrous it sounds.  (Two points vocab word)

The art program is run much like class; however, as long as we work he doesn't assign a subject.  It's peaceful, away from family, unquestioned draw what you wish down time.

I take up a pencil, I want to draw IT, much less bluntly however.  Like the teachers hidden in mr. Freeman's painting.  My awareness floats off as I draw, I am completely focused but I'm not thinking about it one bit.

I return my paper still in front of me and my pencil still outlining the image.  It shakes me I couldn't have drawn this it's everything, it's too much.  I want to wad it up toss it before anyone sees it as if they could look through me if I showed it to them.  Mr Freeman stands a top me looking down at my work.

Mr. Freeman. That is amazing! It's meaningful and abstract. Melinda, this is better than anything I've ever done myself!
Me. Frozen

I look for signs of mind reading.  I wonder if he sees into my head now.  He doesn't seem to.  He seems the same except amazed. Amazed. Amazed at me. Concluding my drawing gave him no super powers and realizing how disappointed he would be if I chucked it I decided to continue.

It needed color next.  I find the box of colored pencils with more colors than one could ever use.  Most of them still have their fresh from store triangle tips.
I find several shades of gray and dark purple, that's about all the color this sketch could handle.

When I finished it it look really good, really good.  I'm not sure if I actually drew it, that is how good it looks.

Since its abstract maybe I could bring it in to show Kathy.  I don't think she would be able to see through me if Mr. Freeman couldn't.

I put it in the folder in my bag.  I won't take it out until I see Kathy. Two people seeing this is plenty

I hope you like it, I'll work on the next part to have it out shortly!  I love comments.

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